Histology is the study of tissues and to learn more about the subject in class we did a exploratory lab, by examining various tissue types under a microscope. The four types of tissues are epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous. We studies three types of epithelial tissues, tissues that cover a body surface or lines a body cavity (organs). Some characteristics that help define epithelial tissues are continuous sheets, avascular, basal lamina and be classified by their shape and layers; simple, stratified, pseudostratified, squamous, cubodial, and columnar. Connective tissue, cells that fill the spaces between organs and tissues, and provides structural and metabolic support for other tissues and organs, can be broken down into two branches; proper and specialized. Under the microscope, it was easy to determine dense regular/irregular, loose adipose, bone, blood, and cartilage knowing the characteristics of each type of connective cells, like for example adipose cells are big and white because of their large vacuoles used to store fat. There are types of muscle tissue, skeletal, cardiac, and smooth and each was easy to determine because of their characteristics, like for example smooth cells are elliptical in shape and non-striated. Because of their dendrites, axons, and large nuclei, nervous tissue is also easy to determine.
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