Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sheep Brain Dissection

Today in class, we dissected a brain. We only made three cuts but we identified most of the important structures of the brain, by using pins.
 Anterior (White) and Posterior (Black)
Cerebrum (yellow), Cerebellum (green), and Brain Stem (Red)

First we observed the external structure of the brain, starting with the meninges, the a shiny membrane substance surrounding the brain. After removing the meninges, we identified the anterior and posterior sides of the brain. Then we identified the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem.

is divided into four lobes and is responsible for body orientation, processing sensory input, cognition, memory, voluntary motor action, visual reception and association, auditory reception and interpretation, and expression powers.
is responsible for motor control and coordination.
Brain Stem
performs necessary functions, like heart rate and breathing

Myelin is a mixture of proteins and phospholipids forming a whitish insulating sheath around many nerve fibers, increasing the speed at which impulses are conducted. 

Then we cut the brain longitudinally (like a hot dog) so that we could observe the medial plane of the brain. From this view of the brain we could see the white and grey matter of the brain. 

 Thalamus (yellow), Midbrain (blue), Medulla Oblongata(Red), Pons (Green)

 Hypothalamus (Blue)

Corpus Callosum (Red)                                                                                          Optic Nerve (Green)

works to correlate several important processes, including consciousness, sleep, and sensory interpretation.
Optic Nerve
transfer visual information from the retina to the vision centers of the brain via electrical impulses. The optic nerve is made of ganglionic cells or nerve cells.
Medulla Oblongata
regulate breathing, heart and blood vessel function, digestion, sneezing, and swallowing. This part of the brain is a center for respiration and circulation.
a bridge between various parts of the nervous system, including the cerebellum and cerebrum
is a portion of the central nervous system associated with vision, hearing, motor control, sleep/wake, arousal (alertness), and temperature regulation.
Corpus Callosum
Large bundle of neuron fibers (myelinated axons or white matter) connecting 2 hemispheres
Maintains homeostasis and links the nervous system to the endocrine system

Then we made a cross sectional cut of the cerebrum (like a hamburger).

White and Gray Matter

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