Thursday, March 24, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection Muscles

There are many different ways synovial joints move. The directions include flexion, movement that decreases the angle between 2 bones: extension, movement that increases between 2 bones: abduction, movement of limbs away from the body: adduction, movement of limbs toward the body: and a couple ore that include rotation, supanation, pronation, circumduction, eversion, dorsiflexion, protaction, refraction, inversion, plantar flexion, elevation, depression, and thumb opposition.
The muscle system starts at the muscular fibers all the way to the body. Muscles help with the movement of bones or fluids, maintaining posture and body position, stabilizing joints, and heat generation (especially skeletal muscle). Excitability, contrability, extensibility, and elasticity are all properties of the muscle. Mucles are supplied with blood to get their energy. Muscles are classified by their size, shape, action, number of origins, and location.
Each muscle is composed of many bundles of muscle fibers. Scaromeres make up myofibrils, which make up muscle fibers. Muscle contraction is activated by a motor neuron, which releases calcium from the sacroplamic reticulum which causes myosin and actin filaments to slide past each other. Relaxation occurs when calcium ions stop being released when the nerve stops. We made a stop motion video showing how muscle contraction works.
There are many muscles in our body. Soe of them include the masseter, temporalis, trapezium, lattissimus dorsi, deltoid, pectoralis major and minor, biceps branchii, rectus abdominus and so on. The largest muscle is the gluteus maximus which extends and rotates the thigh laterally. The longest muscle is the satonius, which rotates the hip laterally and flexes thigh, and is responsible for knee flexion. In my chicken dissection lab I discovered how some of these muscle looked and functioned.

There are three types of muscle fibers. Slow twitch muscles contract slowly, have a high oxidative capacity, and are red in color because of the all blood that travels to these muscles. Fast-twitchA muscle fibers have a moderately high oxidative capacity, high glycogen stores. Fast-twitchB have a low oxidative capacity and is often used during fast and high intensity workouts like lifting weights. The ratio of these fibers depend on genetics and exercise. Hypertrophy is when cells increase in size/volume due to more myofibrils. Cells remain same size, but increase in number. Muscle inactivity many of the beneficial effects of exercise training, from both endurance and resistance activities, diminish within 2 weeks if physical activity is substantially reduced. Soreness is caused by the result of structural damage to sacromeres from eccentric exercise, followed by inflammatory response. Keeping muscles healthy includes daily exercise and a proper diet.
My previous blog post about performance enhancing drugs talk about how drugs help increase an athlete's ability to perform but have severe damages if taken improperly to too frequently.
Reflecting on my previous goals, I feel like I am still not getting enough sleep but I have been working out because I have the time to do so now.

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